
We will be at the great event called BLACK BUSINESS IN CANADA

Calling all downtown, Toronto, Scarborough and east York Lovelies…We will be here on DATE CHANGE…Sunday March 25th from 10am to 4pm. Come and see us, if we are in your area, get stocked up and see what the buzz is about! Learn about the history of black business in Canada and get inspired to either do a business or continue in your business successfully by gaining knowledge of how other business strategized and succeeded. See you all then.


Welcome to Diva Creations!
Hello, and thank you for visiting Diva Creations! My name is Diane Reid, and I’m excited to share my journey with you—a journey that has shaped my passion for natural beauty and wellness.

After facing my own skin and hair challenges, I became dedicated to understanding and harnessing the power of natural ingredients. Each personal setback transformed into a lesson, guiding me toward creating authentic products that reflect my belief in nature's ability to heal.

At Diva Creations, we believe in the beauty of diversity. My exploration of various cultures and their natural beauty practices, combined with wisdom passed down through generations, has allowed me to craft products that celebrate and honor our shared heritage. Although my place of reference is from my Jamaican heritage. I love sharing journeys with the melting pots of cultures that surround me in my city of Toronto, Ontario

Our Mission
My mission is to empower you with natural alternatives for everyday life, helping you maintain balance and confidence in your skincare and haircare routines. I want to offer solutions that resonate with your unique journey, just as they have with mine.

Love, life and beautiful becomings!

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